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Thursday, May 29, 2008

Robi And Nan Nominated!!!  

The live face to face nomination happened again in the Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus 9th Nomination Night.

The two teen housemates Robi and Nan, unfortunately received the highest votes. Robi in his 5th times as a nominee got 5 points of vote. While Nan, 1st time for him got 4 points of vote.

Here's the result of nomination:

Ejay - 1 pt. for Alex and 2 pts. for Robi.
Beauty - 1 pt. for Alex and 2 pts. for Nan.
Alex - 1 pt. for Nikki and 2 pts. for Beauty.
Robi - 1 pt. for Ejay and 2 pts. for Nan.
Nikki - 1 pt. for Robi and 2 pts. for Ejay.
Nan - 1 pt. for Alex and 2 pts. for Robi.

What next?

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