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Sunday, May 25, 2008

PBB Teens: Face To Face Nomination  

Last week nomination, the teen housemates used to wear a blindfold in their nominations, but this week is completely different. It's a face to face happened in the 8th Nomination Night. The way instructed by Big Brother, the housemates that pick the number from 1 to 4 are the only teen housemates revealed their nominees and reasons and remains can keep quiet. The teens got 1 to 4 number are: Robi, Valerie, Nicole and Nan.

Here is the complete tally of votes of the housemates:

Nikki - 1 pt. for Nan, 2 pts. for Valerie
Nan - 1 pt. for Valerie, 2 pts. for Robie
Valerie - 1 pt. for Beauty, 2 pts. for Nikki
Robi - 1 pt. for Nan, 2 pts. for Ejay
Alex - 1 pt. for Ejay, 2 pts. for Nikki
Beauty - 1 pt. Nan, 2 pts. for Valerie
Ejay - 1 pt. for Nikki, 2 pts. Robi

There are three housemates nominated and they are Robi got 4 points, Valerie and Nicole which got 5 points each.

What next?

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