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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Charice parties with 'Glee' stars  

Songstress Charice attended the red carpet premiere party of the second season of American television series “Glee” in California on Tuesday (US time).

The 18-year-old singer, who looked stunning in her black dress, is playing Sunshine Corazon, a Filipino exchange student at fictional William McKinley High School “whose killer vocals get Rachel (Berry) contemplating murder.”

The “Pyramid” singer admitted that she can relate to her character, saying that they are both “simple” and “shy.”

“I'm very, very happy that my character is Sunshine. Sunshine is very, very Charice, simple one, shy type,” she said.

An excited Charice is also looking forward to more showdowns between her character and Rachel Berry (Lea Michele).

We're like frenemies, I think that's the word... and we're gonna sing a very, very big song, Lady Gaga and Beyonce. It's ‘Telephone.’ So, it's gonna be amazing,” she said.

She said she is learning so many things by being part of the popular TV series. She said she is happy that it allows her to both sing and dance.

It's my first comedy acting. So, I'm learning a lot. And I’m really thankful that I’m part of ‘Glee.’ I’m learning so much things,” she added.

After the celebration, Charice tweeted that she had a blast at the party. “I really had fun @ the Glee party. :) t'was great. MsLeaMichele was amazing. goodnight everyone. :)

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