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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Corazon Aquino in Times Online  

In the day of the death of Corazon Aquino, the released an article entitled "People Power's Philippine Saint: Corazon Aquino". The story is all about the political life of the former president on how she deal all the turmoils and how she successfully overcome it and turn into a democracy icon.

Here is some excerpt from the article...

The arc of Corazon Aquino's life lent itself to maxims, but two hard-nosed ones seem particularly worth pointing out. First, political sainthood is a gift from heaven with a Cinderella deadline — once past midnight, you are a pumpkin. Second, personal virtues are never a guarantee of effective or successful governance. What was truly shocking about Aquino's tumultuous six-year term as President of the Philippines was that those maxims proved untrue. Midnight always threatened Aquino but never struck; and she was a good woman whose goodness alone, at the very end, was what proved enough, if only by an iota, to save her country.

Read the full article here in

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