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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Aerosmith US Tour Was Cut  

The popular rock group Aerosmith known for hit singles like "Crazy" and "I Don't Want Miss A Thing" announced to cut its US tour due to injuries suffered by its vocalist, Steven Tyler, during a concert in South Dakota.

The group said in their statement that Tyler fell from the stage during an August 5 show that was part of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in western South Dakota.

In that accident Tyler got broken shoulder and stitches to the singer's head. After receiving treatment at a local hospital, the lead singer returned to Boston to consult with his own doctors.

Guitarist Joe Perry thanked the group's fans "for sticking by us through thick and thin" and their understanding.

"We hope we can get the Aerosmith machine up and running again as soon as possible," he added.

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