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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Rona Evicted, Mikan Goodbye  

The girl from Dumaguete, Rona Libby was the one evicted in the Big Brother House. She got only 42.89% of total votes while the other nominated housemate Robi Domingo got a 57.11% of total votes.

Before the eviction happen, it was Mikan known as one of the house player ng bayan, did his farewell to his fellow housemates and leave the Big Brother House.

There are only two weeks before the declaration of the big winner but seven housemates still in the Big Brother House. For the last two weeks, there will be three eviction night and three housemates will losing there chance to be a part of Big Four. The eviction night are scheduled on May 28 (Wednesday), May 31 (Saturday) and June 4 (Wednesday) which will also the announcements of the Big Four.

What next?

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