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Sunday, May 18, 2008

PBB Teen Editon Plus - Guardians Big Night  

Daddy Erning a native of Mindoro province and a step dad of Ejay, was hailed as the first Guardian big winner. He got a vote of 65.16% of the total votes, leading by a miles with his co-guardians. As a big winner he received a big check with an amount of 500,000 pesos and a business franchise of Whammy Waffle.

The second big placer was Mommy Minda, she got 16.22% vote and received a check of 250,000 pesos and a business franchise of Whammy Waffle. Mommy Sandy got 13.98% vote, enough as a third big placer, she received 150,000 pesos check and a business franchise from Potato Cuddler.
And the fourth big placer was Mommy My Love with a 4.64% vote, she received 100,000 pesos check and a business franchise from Potato Cuddler.

What next?

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