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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Miley Cyrus New Album "Breakout"  

The 15-year-old star of the Disney hit show "Hannah Montana", Miley Cyrus will show the world her own identity of music and prove it what more stuff she had, with the release of her first album under her own name in July.

The new album entitled "Breakout"(Disney's Hollywood Records). Her first single is "7 Things". It is hitting the airwaves last week, in the U.S. top 40 radio stations and also got an exposure in the top 40 adults stations.

Miley Cyrus released her first two albums under the name of her character in Disney show "Hannah Montana". Her first album was "Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: The Best of Both Worlds Concert", currently no. 33 on the Billboard 200. And the "Hannah Montana 2 (Soundtrack) / Meet Miley Cyrus", was a former chart-topper.

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