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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Madonna Decena and Charlie Green: Preparing in Semi-Finals  

As the United Kingdom, "Britain's Got Talent" semi-finals ready to begin, are two Filipino contender are preparing to their next act. Both of them got a standing ovation from the audience in their last performance.

Madonna Decena, she made it to the semi-finals when she sung "I Will Always Love" by Whitney Houston, and dedicated the song to her two daughters. As we remember the lady judge Amanda Holden got in to tears while Decena singing.

And the boy Charlie Green past through, when he sung Frank Sinatra's "Summer Wind", the three judges are upbeat while Charlie's sang it in his own rendition.

Our Filipino community in the United Kingdom are hoping that Madonna and Charlie, to make through to grand finals and get the chance to be a grand winner, which is decided through text voting.

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